Studio Visit
The visitor goes down a staircase to enter a studio lit by a bank of north facing windows. The space is a busy arrangement of furniture and art.
Photos and drawings cover the room as paintings in various stages of completion lean against the wall. Two easels hold partially finished canvases while a photo light on a tall tripod stands sentry between them. A nearby table holds charcoal pencils, sticks and erasers. On another table, tubes of oil paints are laid out with scrapers and brushes. In the middle of the room is a large glass table that serves as a palette.
A few tables hold small still lives. One table has an arrangement of mugs, pitchers and bowls; another holds an arrangement with a birdhouse and a toy airplane. A third sits empty, open.
It may seem like this is a hodge-podge collection of still life objects, but they have been carefully selected. They are all simple things: functional and resonant of daily life.
Pam enjoys getting caught by her subject and then manipulating both her materials - whether charcoal, paint, paper or canvas, and her light source. She knows that her subject choice, her set up, as well as her handling of the materials can communicate countless moods and meanings. This “looking/making” is an activity that Pam finds challenging and rewarding.